7 LinkedIn Outreach Tactics to Expand Your Network

7 LinkedIn Outreach Tactics to Expand Your Network

7 LinkedIn Outreach Tactics to Expand Your Network

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Ankit SaaS

Ankit SaaS

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Dec 8, 2023

Dec 8, 2023

7 LinkedIn Outreach Tactics to Expand Your Network
7 LinkedIn Outreach Tactics to Expand Your Network
7 LinkedIn Outreach Tactics to Expand Your Network

Elevate your professional networking game with '7 LinkedIn Outreach Tactics to Expand Your Network'. Dive in to connect with industry leaders, unlock new opportunities, and significantly grow your professional circle!

Elevate your professional networking game with '7 LinkedIn Outreach Tactics to Expand Your Network'. Dive in to connect with industry leaders, unlock new opportunities, and significantly grow your professional circle!

Elevate your professional networking game with '7 LinkedIn Outreach Tactics to Expand Your Network'. Dive in to connect with industry leaders, unlock new opportunities, and significantly grow your professional circle!



  1. Personalizing connection requests can double acceptance rates.

  2. Effective InMail messages enjoy an 18% response rate.

  3. Regular interaction with content increases profile views by 21%.

  4. Active group participation can quadruple your LinkedIn visibility.

  5. Providing value in every message triples the chance of engagement.

  6. Respectful follow-ups boost response rates by 25%.

  7. Advanced Search features lead to 2x more effective networking.

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Grow your LinkedIn audience FAST. Sign up today!

LinkedIn emerged as a pivotal platform for sales professionals seeking to generate leads. Beyond providing industry insights and facilitating connections among members, its robust search functionalities have made it effortless for users to identify potential buyers.

LinkedIn outreach has evolved into a highly effective method for cold outreach, allowing salespeople not only to locate prospects but also to engage with them via personalized messages. This approach aims to foster connections, build relationships, and eventually offer assistance through products or services.

However, it's important to note that LinkedIn is primarily a networking platform, and employing a traditional cold email approach in LinkedIn messages may yield limited results. Such tactics could be perceived as overly sales-oriented and may not contribute to business growth.

For those seeking to conduct effective LinkedIn outreach without appearing spammy, this article serves as an invaluable guide. It offers insights into finding, engaging, contacting, and converting LinkedIn leads through five simple steps.

What is LinkedIn outreach?

LinkedIn outreach refers to the process of reaching out to potential leads or prospects on the LinkedIn platform with the goal of initiating or fostering a business relationship. It involves sending personalized messages, connection requests, or engaging with content to connect with individuals who may be interested in your products or services.

LinkedIn outreach can be used for various purposes, including networking, lead generation, sales prospecting, recruitment, and marketing. It typically involves researching and targeting specific individuals or companies, crafting personalized messages tailored to their interests or needs, and initiating communication to establish a connection and potentially move them further down the sales funnel.

Effective LinkedIn outreach requires a strategic approach, including understanding your target audience, crafting compelling messages, and maintaining a professional and respectful tone. It can be a valuable tool for building relationships, expanding your professional network, and generating business opportunities.

Why LinkedIn outreach for your business?

LinkedIn stands apart from other social media platforms by focusing primarily on professional networking.

Whether your goal is to expand your network within your industry, identify potential clients, or secure job opportunities, LinkedIn offers unparalleled opportunities to realize your career aspirations.

Engaging with individuals on LinkedIn surpasses alternative methods such as posting or running ads due to several key advantages:

  • Precision targeting

  • Higher engagement

  • Elevated brand visibility

  • Enhanced networking with industry leaders

These factors collectively elevate your potential to generate high-quality leads, making LinkedIn outreach an indispensable tool for business growth.

What are the various ways to reach out on LinkedIn?

  1. LinkedIn connection request: To initiate contact with your 2nd and 3rd-degree connections, LinkedIn requires you to send a connection request first. Within this request, you can include a brief note explaining why you wish to connect. Keep in mind that LinkedIn limits this note to 300 characters, so make it concise yet impactful.

  2. Direct Messages: Upon acceptance of your connection request, you gain access to direct messaging capabilities with your 1st-degree connections. When sending your initial cold Direct Message, it will appear under the "Focused" section in the recipient's LinkedIn inbox.

  3. InMail: LinkedIn InMail is a premium feature typically accessible through a Premium Plan. However, there is a workaround— even users on free plans can send InMails to Premium Profiles that have enabled receiving messages from anyone. InMails are advantageous as they go directly to your prospect's LinkedIn inbox, increasing the likelihood of message read compared to connection requests.

  4. Message Requests: Belonging to a LinkedIn Group or Event provides the opportunity to send messages to fellow group members or event attendees. However, unlike Direct Messages that land in the "Focused" list, these message requests appear in the recipient's "Other" list, where they may be overlooked amid spam messages.

7 essential LinkedIn outreach tips for success

Outreach, as you might have inferred, isn't simply about sending spontaneous messages to anyone and everyone. It requires careful planning and strategy.

If you're interested in refining your outreach approach, here are 7 tips to get more leads.

Optimize your LinkedIn profile

Optimizing your LinkedIn profile is a critical step in sales outreach because it serves as your first impression to potential buyers. A well-crafted profile enhances your personal brand, making you more approachable and trustworthy. Here's how to effectively optimize your LinkedIn profile for sales outreach:

  • Add a Professional Profile Photo: Upload a high-quality, professional headshot that exudes friendliness and professionalism. Ensure your face occupies 60-70% of the frame.

  • Craft a Compelling Headline: Go beyond merely stating your job title in your headline. Highlight your specialty, the value you offer, and whom you assist. For instance, instead of "SDR at X," consider "Helping Sales Teams Generate More Revenue."

  • Write a Storytelling "About Me" Summary: Compose a summary that narrates your story. Explain your role, how you can assist potential buyers, and what sets you apart. Use a friendly tone and straightforward language, incorporating relevant industry and role keywords for improved visibility in searches.

  • Add Relevant Experience: List pertinent job experiences, outlining your roles, responsibilities, and achievements. Utilize bullet points to emphasize key accomplishments and quantify results whenever possible, such as meeting or exceeding sales targets.

  • List Skills and Endorsements: Include skills pertinent to your sales role, like Business Development, Lead Generation, CRM Software, and Negotiation. Seek endorsements from colleagues, clients, and managers to bolster credibility and showcase proficiency.

  • Request Recommendations: Solicit recommendations from past clients, colleagues, or supervisors. These testimonials provide social proof, enhancing your profile's trustworthiness and expertise.

  • Incorporate Rich Media: Integrate rich media such as videos, presentations, or brochures that spotlight your work or offerings. This enables prospects to grasp the tangible benefits and understand what's in it for them.

  • Customize Your URL: Personalize your LinkedIn profile URL for a cleaner and more professional appearance, particularly if you intend to include it on business cards or email signatures.

  • Adjust Your Visibility Settings: Ensure your profile is visible to everyone, particularly individuals beyond your network. Review your LinkedIn privacy settings to enable the visibility of your public profile and grant access to your full details.

Define your target audience

Before initiating outreach messages, it's imperative to have a clear understanding of your target audience.

Your target audience should closely align with your ideal customer profile (ICP).

Once you've identified your target audience, you can find your ICP using six distinct methods:

Utilize LinkedIn's Advanced Search Options: LinkedIn provides various filters to refine your target audience search and identify individuals likely to engage with you. A LinkedIn Sales Navigator account grants access to more specific search capabilities, including function, seniority level, and company headcount.

Join Relevant Groups:

Participate in LinkedIn groups relevant to your industry or target audience. Engage actively in discussions to enhance your profile and credibility, enabling direct interaction with potential leads through personalized messages or responses to their posts.

Analyze Competitor Connections: Examine the profiles of competitors or industry peers to identify potential leads among their connections who could benefit from your products or services.

Leverage Company Pages: Follow companies on LinkedIn that align with your ideal customer profile. Monitor their updates and employee lists to pinpoint key decision-makers and potential leads.

Share Valuable Content: Share and publish pertinent content such as articles, blogs, whitepapers, and case studies that resonate with your target audience. High-quality content attracts profile visits, providing opportunities to engage with individuals who interact with your posts.

Go slow with your connection requests

While the temptation to send numerous connection requests quickly is understandable, it's a strategy destined for disaster, particularly if pursued manually or with unreliable automation tools.

Why, you ask? LinkedIn actively monitors accounts for suspicious activity, and any irregularities can result in repercussions ranging from flagged accounts to restrictions or even bans.

However, there are methods to navigate LinkedIn's limitations, but we'll delve into those later. For now, let's discuss the recommended number of requests you should send per day when initiating your LinkedIn journey:

  • 10 requests from days 1 to 3

  • 15 requests from days 4 to 6

  • 20 requests from days 7 to 9

  • 25 requests from days 10 to 12

Bear in mind that LinkedIn imposes a weekly limit of 100 connection requests. As you gradually increase your outreach efforts, monitor both pending requests and acceptance rates. If the acceptance rate falls below 40%, consider scaling back your activity.

Personalize your outreach messages

Cookie-cutter, impersonal outreach messages rarely capture the attention of busy professionals on LinkedIn. To stand out and increase the likelihood of receiving a response, personalization is key.

Begin by referencing something specific about the individual you're reaching out to, whether it's a recent article they penned, a project they completed, or a mutual connection you share. Express genuine interest in their endeavors and elucidate why you believe forging a connection would be mutually beneficial.

Keep your message concise yet compelling, steering clear of generic templates or spam-like language. Instead, adopt a conversational tone and demonstrate that you've conducted thorough research. Personalized outreach messages are more likely to resonate with recipients and can pave the way for meaningful interactions and potential opportunities.

Automating LinkedIn outreach

While manual outreach methods can be effective, managing multiple channels simultaneously can quickly become overwhelming. Here's why:

  1. Manual outreach is time-consuming, especially when crafting, sending, and tracking messages across different platforms like email and LinkedIn.

  2. Errors are more likely to occur, such as sending duplicates or forgetting to follow up, when managing outreach manually.

  3. Response time can suffer as navigating between different channels to reply eats up valuable time.

  4. Gaining insightful data for planning next steps is challenging without a centralized reporting interface.

  5. Manual work hampers scalability, limiting the ability to expand outreach efforts effectively.

Follow-up and Nurture the Relationship

After initiating outreach, patience is key. Here's how to follow up effectively:

  1. Wait at least 24 hours before sending a follow-up message to avoid appearing spammy.

  2. Remind leads of your previous message while offering new value.

  3. Provide social proof, such as testimonials or case studies, to bolster credibility.

Build a Personal Brand

Establishing a strong personal brand on LinkedIn is crucial for credibility and trust. Here's how to do it:

  1. Showcase expertise and unique skills to stand out among millions of users.

  2. Cultivate professional relationships that can lead to collaborations or partnerships.

  3. Explore resources like the Personal Branding School for strategies to boost visibility and engagement.

By automating outreach, following up diligently, and building a personal brand, you can maximize your LinkedIn sales potential and foster meaningful connections.

Avoiding common mistakes in LinkedIn outreach

LinkedIn outreach can be highly effective when done right, but there are common mistakes you should avoid to maximize success:

Mistake 1: Sending generic messages Personalization is crucial in cold messaging. Avoid generic messages and take the time to tailor your outreach to each individual. Scan their profile, recent activity, and professional background to understand their interests and needs. Craft your message to highlight how you can provide value or contribute to their goals.

Mistake 2: Sending too many or too few messages Finding the right balance and frequency of messages is essential. Sending too many messages can overwhelm prospects and lead to annoyance, while sending too few can result in being forgotten. Aim for one initial message followed by two or three well-spaced follow-ups, sent at least 24 hours apart. Avoid sending more than one message per day, and refrain from messaging on weekends or holidays.

Mistake 3: Lack of clear next steps Ensure each message has a clear goal and call to action. Without a purpose or direction, messages can confuse prospects and leave them unsure of how to respond. Define your objective for each message, whether it's to initiate a conversation, schedule a meeting, or request specific information. Provide a clear call to action that guides prospects on what to do next, whether it's replying to a question or booking a meeting through a provided link.


Expanding your LinkedIn network effectively requires a mix of personalization, strategic engagement, and patience. By implementing these seven outreach tactics, you're not just casting a wider net but also ensuring that the connections you make are meaningful and aligned with your professional goals. Remember, the quality of connections often outweighs the quantity, so focus on building relationships that add value to both parties.

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