51 Must-Follow LinkedIn Accounts for Inspiration

51 Must-Follow LinkedIn Accounts for Inspiration

51 Must-Follow LinkedIn Accounts for Inspiration

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Ankit SaaS

Ankit SaaS

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Feb 7, 2024

Feb 7, 2024

51 Must-Follow LinkedIn Accounts for Inspiration
51 Must-Follow LinkedIn Accounts for Inspiration
51 Must-Follow LinkedIn Accounts for Inspiration

Seek endless inspiration and insights from the 51 Must-Follow LinkedIn Accounts for Inspiration. Elevate your career, gain entrepreneurial wisdom, and fuel personal growth and increase traffic on your LinkedIn page with this curated list of LinkedIn Accounts.

Seek endless inspiration and insights from the 51 Must-Follow LinkedIn Accounts for Inspiration. Elevate your career, gain entrepreneurial wisdom, and fuel personal growth and increase traffic on your LinkedIn page with this curated list of LinkedIn Accounts.

Seek endless inspiration and insights from the 51 Must-Follow LinkedIn Accounts for Inspiration. Elevate your career, gain entrepreneurial wisdom, and fuel personal growth and increase traffic on your LinkedIn page with this curated list of LinkedIn Accounts.



  1. Diverse insights from tech giants: Bill Gates, Satya Nadella.

  2. Entrepreneurial wisdom from Richard Branson, Ankit Saas.

  3. Prioritize well-being with Arianna Huffington's advice.

  4. Leadership insights from Sheryl Sandberg, Jeff Weiner.

  5. Motivation and empowerment from Oprah Winfrey, Tony Robbins.

  6. Marketing strategies from Neil Patel, Seth Godin.

  7. Personal development tips from Tim Ferriss, Marie Forleo.

  8. Financial wisdom from Dave Ramsey, Grant Cardone.

  9. Behavioral insights from Dan Pink, Malcolm Gladwell.

  10. Maximize productivity with advice from Cal Newport, James Clear.

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LinkedIn is not just a platform for professional networking; it's also a treasure trove of inspiration, insights, and valuable content. Whether you're looking to stay updated on industry trends, gain career advice, or seek motivation for your entrepreneurial journey, following the right LinkedIn accounts can provide you with a wealth of valuable resources. In this blog, we've curated a list of 51 must-follow LinkedIn accounts across various industries and domains to inspire and motivate you on your professional path.

1. Bill Gates

Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft and philanthropist, shares insights on technology, innovation, and global development.

LinkedIn Profile URL

2. Richard Branson

Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Group, offers insights on entrepreneurship, leadership, and business strategy.

LinkedIn Profile URL

3. Arianna Huffington

Arianna Huffington, the founder of The Huffington Post, shares wisdom on work-life balance, productivity, and well-being.

LinkedIn Profile URL

4. Satya Nadella

Satya Nadella, the CEO of Microsoft, provides insights on technology, leadership, and innovation.

LinkedIn Profile URL

5. Sheryl Sandberg

Sheryl Sandberg, the COO of Facebook, shares insights on leadership, women in tech, and career development.

LinkedIn Profile URL

6. Gary Vaynerchuk

Gary Vaynerchuk, a serial entrepreneur and CEO of VaynerMedia, offers advice on marketing, entrepreneurship, and personal branding.

LinkedIn Profile URL

7. Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey, media mogul and philanthropist, shares inspiration on personal growth, leadership, and empowerment.

LinkedIn Profile URL

8. Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferriss, author of "The 4-Hour Workweek," shares productivity hacks, life lessons, and personal development tips.

LinkedIn Profile URL

9. Ankit Saas

Ankit SaaS, CEO of Dottypost and entrepreneur, writes on AI startup ideas and growth marketing for LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Profile URL

10. Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek, author of "Start With Why," shares insights on leadership, purpose-driven businesses, and organizational culture.

LinkedIn Profile URL

11. Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins, life coach and motivational speaker, shares inspiration on personal growth, success, and achievement.

12. Barack Obama

Barack Obama, former President of the United States, shares insights on leadership, public service, and global issues.

13. Elon Musk

Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, shares updates on technology, innovation, and space exploration.

14. Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama, former First Lady of the United States, shares inspiration on education, women's empowerment, and leadership.

15. Neil Patel

Neil Patel, digital marketing expert and entrepreneur, shares insights on marketing, SEO, and business growth strategies.

16. Jeff Weiner

Jeff Weiner, former CEO of LinkedIn, shares insights on leadership, management, and professional development.

17. Marie Forleo

Marie Forleo, entrepreneur and host of MarieTV, shares inspiration on entrepreneurship, personal development, and creative living.

18. Guy Kawasaki

Guy Kawasaki, author and former chief evangelist of Apple, shares insights on marketing, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

19. Brené Brown

Brené Brown, research professor and author, shares insights on vulnerability, courage, and resilience.

20. Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy, motivational speaker and author, shares inspiration on personal development, productivity, and success.

21. Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty, former monk and motivational speaker, shares wisdom on mindfulness, relationships, and purposeful living.

22. Gretchen Rubin

Gretchen Rubin, author of "The Happiness Project," shares insights on happiness, habits, and personal fulfillment.

23. Grant Cardone

Grant Cardone, sales expert and author, shares inspiration on entrepreneurship, sales, and wealth-building.

24. Deepak Chopra

Deepak Chopra, spiritual teacher and author, shares wisdom on mindfulness, well-being, and personal growth.

25. Seth Godin

Seth Godin, author and marketing guru, shares insights on marketing, creativity, and leadership.

26. Brene Brown

Brene Brown, research professor and author, shares insights on vulnerability, courage, and resilience.

27. Mel Robbins

Mel Robbins, motivational speaker and author, shares inspiration on personal development, productivity, and overcoming obstacles.

28. Dave Ramsey

Dave Ramsey, financial expert and author, shares wisdom on personal finance, wealth-building, and entrepreneurship.

29. Amy Cuddy

Amy Cuddy, social psychologist and author, shares insights on body language, confidence, and personal empowerment.

30. Dan Pink

Dan Pink, author and behavioral science expert, shares insights on motivation, leadership, and decision-making.

31. Malcolm Gladwell

Malcolm Gladwell, author and journalist, shares insights on human behavior, decision-making, and success.

32. Stephen Covey

Stephen Covey, author of "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People," shares wisdom on personal growth, leadership, and effectiveness.

33. Tom Bilyeu

Tom Bilyeu, co-founder of Quest Nutrition and Impact Theory, shares inspiration on entrepreneurship, mindset, and personal growth.

34. Marie Forleo

Marie Forleo, entrepreneur and host of MarieTV, shares inspiration on entrepreneurship, personal development, and creative living.

35. Brian Solis

Brian Solis, digital anthropologist and author, shares insights on digital marketing, innovation, and customer experience.

36. Daniel Pink

Daniel Pink, author and behavioral science expert, shares insights on motivation, leadership, and decision-making.

37. Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins, life coach and motivational speaker, shares inspiration on personal growth, success, and achievement.

38. Mel Robbins

Mel Robbins, motivational speaker and author, shares inspiration on personal development, productivity, and overcoming obstacles.

39. Mark Manson

Mark Manson, author of "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck," shares insights on personal growth, happiness, and self-awareness.

40. James Clear

James Clear, author of "Atomic Habits," shares insights on habits, productivity, and personal development.

41. Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma, leadership expert and author, shares wisdom on leadership, personal mastery, and peak performance.

42. Bob Proctor

Bob Proctor, motivational speaker and author, shares inspiration on success, mindset, and abundance.

43. Cal Newport

Cal Newport, author of "Deep Work," shares insights on productivity, focus, and work-life balance.

44. Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferriss, author of "The 4-Hour Workweek," shares productivity hacks, life lessons, and personal development tips.

45. Gretchen Rubin

Gretchen Rubin, author of "The Happiness Project," shares insights on happiness, habits, and personal fulfillment.

46. Vishen Lakhiani

Vishen Lakhiani, founder of Mindvalley, shares inspiration on personal growth, consciousness, and human potential.

47. Brendon Burchard

Brendon Burchard, high-performance coach and author, shares wisdom on success, motivation, and personal development.

48. Darren Hardy

Darren Hardy, author and motivational speaker, shares insights on success, productivity, and achievement.

49. Lewis Howes

Lewis Howes, author and podcast host, shares inspiration on entrepreneurship, personal growth, and mindset.

50. Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins, life coach and motivational speaker, shares inspiration on personal growth, success, and achievement.

51. Grant Cardone

Grant Cardone, sales expert and author, shares inspiration on entrepreneurship, sales, and wealth-building.


Following these 51 must-follow LinkedIn accounts will provide you with a diverse range of perspectives, insights, and inspiration to fuel your professional journey. Whether you're seeking career advice, entrepreneurial wisdom, or personal development tips, these accounts offer valuable resources to help you achieve your goals and reach new heights in your career.

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